Tuesday, January 16, 2007

So here are a couple finished projects and a bonus photo of the new puppy Pedro. There are descriptions of each project on my Flickr page Courtney Knits, see photo gallery.


Stella said...

i think coming to your house and ogling your STR woke up my inner sock knitter.

oh, and to answer your question, shedir is from the special breast cancer awareness edition of knitty (spring '04 i think?).

Dipsy Doodle said...

I'm really, really impressed by your work, especially the socks look absolutely amazing! And I adore your puppy, what a cutie!


NeuroKnitter said...

Hi Courtney! Your STR socks are awesome! So fun to see them in person, too!!! Pedro is adorable!

Courtney Knits. Get yours at bighugelabs.com/flickr