Sunday, August 12, 2007

Knitting in Paradise

A very long (6 hour) car trip with three dogs who were surprisingly well behaved. Either they knew our destination or Morgan did a great job packing the car and maximized the dog comfort factor, probably a combination of the two.
Morgan was a doll and drove the entire way so I could work on the Triangle.

And then there was Festivus; Blues, Brews and Bronze in Joseph City Park six short blocks from my house.
It was fantastic fun all around and the after party was at our house. Our tenant, Kate has done wonders with the house, painting and new flooring and the place looks amazing! I will post some photos later in the week.
I did not knit a stitch on Saturday because there were just too many old friends to catch up with.
There are few things better than an good music, beer and catching up with old friends in a park with a view.

Today was all relaxation and knitting at the lake and on the front porch. The Shetland Triangle will be complete very soon.

Great birding in the shade of mature Ponderosa Pine at the head of Wallowa Lake.

Hi to everyone in Portland!

1 comment:

Stella said...

I feel so blessed to live in Oregon. You really don't have to go that far to see drastically different landscapes. Your photos are lovely -- I really have to get myself out to the Wallowas sometime. Enjoy the rest of your vacation and say hello to the fellow and the pooches!

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